Friday, March 23, 2012

Frankfurt Ahoy!

A lot can happen in a day, especially if it's a 36 hour day. And as much as I would have loved to make this post one of yesterday's happenings, jet lag is a force to be reckoned with. Anyway, I am here!
After one of those movie-esque goodbye scenes with my family at O'hare, and 12 hours spent in either a plane or an airport I've finally reached my primary destination. And lets just say, its been a journey already.

The Stockholm area of Sweden

Ah my flight to Stockholm. Easily the best flight I've ever been on.  The food was great and I had an "entertainment screen" to use. Heck I even had a person behind me who was cool enough to let me actually recline my seat (a first for me)., Speaking of people on the flight, I've never been around so many other blonde haired people. I was actually told numerous times that I looked Swedish, which for me (I dressed up as a Viking at the renaissance fair, whatev's) was awesome. Oh and about halfway through my flight, over Greenland I lifted my window shutter to see the northern-freaking-lights right next to the plane. After 8 seamlessly knit hours, I watched the plane land in Stockholm via the camera they had on the front and bottom of the plane.

Oh Sweden, you so safe!
 The Stockholm airport was awesome, it felt like I was in the future because everything was shiny and expensive looking. Once again, seemingly everyone was a beautiful, blonde haired, model. And I mean hey, I felt nice and safe knowing that I wouldn't be getting pepper sprayed. The Stockholm-Frankfurt flight itself was uneventful, but the arrival was.We were let out of the plane on stairs down to the paved runway thing (you know, like a visiting foreign dignitary? Swag.) and were bused to the airport. I exited customs to find not a single familiar face. I instantly engaged the "OH GOD. No, I'm all alone in a foreign country where not everyone speaks my langguuuuuaaaaaggggeeeeeee" switch. But about 5 panic-filled minutes later I saw the familiar faces of Marius and his mother and reunion hugs were given.

 After a short leisurely drive on the autobahn, we were home in Zwingenberg. By this time, I had gone about 20 hours without sleeping and after navigating a foreign airport, I was dead tired. I was running on "Germanthusiasm" alone because by this point the coffee I chugged throughout my flights was working against me. But I persevered, and was able to eat a delicious lunch, handmade by Marius' mother and do some catching up. It's really kind of disheartening, how good their English is. Especially when my German leaves a lot to be desired (like the confidence to form a full sentence).

All in all though, it was a nice, uneventful day. Which was just fine by a "jet-lagged-out-of-my-mind" me.

1 comment:

  1. I burst out laughing at the line about all the blonde people around're finally where our people are accepted! ;) but I bet they had blue eyes...
